


Fast Delivery. We strive to deliver the product as soon as possible. We have this item on our warehouse in Iceland, and we can deliver on 24 hours in the capital area, or we are shipping the same day if you live out of the capital area. There is no extra cost in the Fast Delivery Service.
What's not to love? This lamp, with checks on its base and bold coloured shade, will add…

Fast Delivery. We strive to deliver the product as soon as possible. We have this item on our warehouse in Iceland, and we can deliver on 24 hours in the capital area, or we are shipping the same day if you live out of the capital area. There is no extra cost in the Fast Delivery Service.
What's not to love? This lamp, with checks on its base and bold coloured shade, will add an original touch to your living room or office. Made for a big fitting (E27)

&klevering was founded in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 1992 with the ambition to create colourful, creative home decorations and gifts to cheer up everyday live at home. This brand is Dutch design with a twist and alternates modern items with classical pieces and gives them all a fresh new look. They often add a fun aspect to their designs which are known for their bursts of colour and playful, on trend patterns. &klevering designers are mostly inspired by nature and fashion and blend this into their collections.

Technical description:
Material: Stoneware, cotton.
Size: 42 x Ø 25 cm.
Care and info: Dust off for cleaning.

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