
3D Thermo UltraLight Headtube Uniq Size

With their seamless design, Compressport’s headtubes protect you efficiently from cold, heat, insects, dust and absorption of perspiration. In trail running, running, cycling, skimo, hiking, riding a motorbike and even while travelling in a plane, the running headtubes are a vital element for outings in all weather conditions.
With their seamless design, Compressport’s headtubes protect you efficiently from cold, heat, insects, dust and absorption of perspiration. In trail running, running, cycling, skimo, hiking, riding a motorbike and even while travelling in a plane, the running headtubes are a vital element for outings in all weather conditions.

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  • Fætur toga
    Fætur Toga ehf 557 7100 Höfðabakka 3, 110 Reykjavík

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