
Arctic 120mm BioniX P120 PWM 4 pinna svört/grá kælivifta

Arctic Cooling
Arctic 120mm BioniX P120 PWM 4 pinna svört/grá kælivifta

10 ára ábyrgð til einstaklinga og fyrirtækja
Optimised For Static Pressure
During the development of the new BioniX P120, special emphasis was placed on a focused airstream and thus a high static pressure.
The fan guarantees extremely efficient cooling, even with increased air resistance. Therefore, the BioniX P120 is p…
Arctic 120mm BioniX P120 PWM 4 pinna svört/grá kælivifta

10 ára ábyrgð til einstaklinga og fyrirtækja
Optimised For Static Pressure
During the development of the new BioniX P120, special emphasis was placed on a focused airstream and thus a high static pressure.
The fan guarantees extremely efficient cooling, even with increased air resistance. Therefore, the BioniX P120 is particularly
suitable for use on heatsinks and radiators.
200 to 2100 RPM
With a wide range of regulation and the PWM Sharing Technology (PST), the BioniX P120 fan speed can be controlled synchronously with all your other fans together. This keeps noise at a minimum while guaranteeing maximum cooling performance when needed.
Hraði: 200-2100rpm
Loftflæði: 67.56 CFM / 114.79 m3/h (@ 2.100 RPM)
Spenna: 12V
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