
Casall Texture Tee


Casall Texture Tee

Léttur og mjúkur, yrjóttur æfingabolur úr endurunnu pólýesterefni.

Andar vel og þornar hratt.

We made this textured tee as a lightweight style for sweaty sessions or all-day street style. Dri release® technology keeps you comfortable, and a slightly sheer effect gives an effortless look.

Casall Texture Tee

Léttur og mjúkur, yrjóttur æfingabolur úr endurunnu pólýesterefni.

Andar vel og þornar hratt.

We made this textured tee as a lightweight style for sweaty sessions or all-day street style. Dri release® technology keeps you comfortable, and a slightly sheer effect gives an effortless look.

Verslaðu hér

  • Sportís
    Sportís ehf 520 1000 Skeifunni 11, 108 Reykjavík

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