
Dell þráðlaust lyklaborð og mús með góðri rafhlöðuendingu, virkar við allt að 3 tæki


Dell þráðlaust lyklaborð og mús, Multi-Device KM7120W
Lyklaborðið kemur með ábrenndum íslenskum tökkum. USB móttakari fylgir og einnig er hægt að tengja lyklaborðið við tölvur með Bluetooth. Rafhlöður fylgja með allt að 36 mánaða endingu.

Conveniently switch
Seamlessly connect to three PCs. The two Bluetooth 5.0 and 2.4GHz wireless connection methods allow you to sw…

Dell þráðlaust lyklaborð og mús, Multi-Device KM7120W
Lyklaborðið kemur með ábrenndum íslenskum tökkum. USB móttakari fylgir og einnig er hægt að tengja lyklaborðið við tölvur með Bluetooth. Rafhlöður fylgja með allt að 36 mánaða endingu.

Conveniently switch
Seamlessly connect to three PCs. The two Bluetooth 5.0 and 2.4GHz wireless connection methods allow you to switch easily across your laptop, desktop or 2-in-1 with a click of a button.
Easy Pairing
Instantly pair each device with your compatible Windows 10 system via Bluetooth without having to configure in Settings every time with Microsoft Swift Pairi. Compatibility with Windows, Chrome, Android and Mac provide maximum flexibility across all your devices.
Built to last
With 36 months of battery life, it lasts 3 times longer than its previous generation. Now you do not have be concerned with frequent battery replacements.
Precise tracking
Rapid responses via the 1600 DPI sensor helps you navigate effortlessly, especially across your high-resolution 4K screen. Its optical sensor offers accurate tracking and is ideal for use on most desk surfaces.
2.4Ghz - Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and 10; Mac; Linux (Red Hat Enterprise 8.0 /Ubuntu 18.4); Chrome; and Android OS
Bluetooth - Windows 8.1 and 10; Mac; Linux (Red Hat Enterprise 8.0 /Ubuntu 18.4); Chrome; and Android OS
Dell Peripheral Manager - Windows 7, Windows 8.1, 10 or later

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