This Soothing Mask from Dr. Hauschka is a face mask that helps bring your skin back to its natural balance. This mask is soothing to sensitive skin that tends to redness and inflammation. It contains a combination of lion, crown, buckwheat and heart-shaped royal light that soothes and strengthens the skin. In addition, the nutrient-rich vegetable oils of shea butter, macadamia and coconut, stir…
This Soothing Mask from Dr. Hauschka is a face mask that helps bring your skin back to its natural balance. This mask is soothing to sensitive skin that tends to redness and inflammation. It contains a combination of lion, crown, buckwheat and heart-shaped royal light that soothes and strengthens the skin. In addition, the nutrient-rich vegetable oils of shea butter, macadamia and coconut, stirring quince extract and nutritious water from troll hassel that help maintain the natural moisture in your skin. With this little plejeritual, your skin reappears and gets a uniform complexion.
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