Afgreiðslutími 6-10 vikur
The FunTrain is a side-by-side tandem trailer that can be attached to an existing or new Fun2Go side-by-side tandem. This allows a supervisor to safely cycle with three additional passengers or simply with one additional passenger on the Fun2Go itself.
A tow bar is mounted on the Fun2Go side-by-side tandem bike . he FunTrain h…
Afgreiðslutími 6-10 vikur
The FunTrain is a side-by-side tandem trailer that can be attached to an existing or new Fun2Go side-by-side tandem. This allows a supervisor to safely cycle with three additional passengers or simply with one additional passenger on the Fun2Go itself.
A tow bar is mounted on the Fun2Go side-by-side tandem bike . he FunTrain has a safety coupling that cannot come loose, and it brakes automatically with the overrun brake when the Fun2Go brakes. The driver of the front tandem bicycle thus has 100% control over the FunTrain and Fun2Go.
The FunTrain sem er tvímenningsreiðhjól sem getur verið fest á sem kerra á Fun2Go hjól. Þetta leyfir umsjónarmanni að hjóla örugglega með allta að þremur farþegum.
Dráttarbeisli er uppstillt á Fun2Go hjólinu. FunTrain er með öryggis búnað sem sér til þess að það sé litlar sem engar líkur að lestin slitni, detti, brotnar eða slíkt. FunTrain er með búnað sem bremsar samtímis og Fun2Go hjólið. Aðal ökumaðurinn hefur þá fulla stjórn af allri lestinni.
Hydraulic overrun brake
Hydraulic disc brakes
Environmentally friendly paint
Parking brake
Adjustable seat
Comfortable adjustable seats with backrest
Can be placed behind a side-by-side tandem
1 driver + 3 passengers
4 persons can pedal
Easy to adjust for different people
Self-braking through overrun brake
Easy seat adjustment
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VanRaam hjól er hægt að panta í öllum regbogans litum
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