


Gimo mun halda fótunum þurrum jafnvel á verstu haust og vetrar dögum á Íslandi. Þau eru gerð úr léttu og endurvinnanlegu SEBS gúmmíi, án alls PVC. Útskiptanlegi ullar sokkurinn mun halda fótunum hlýjum en sokkinn má taka úr og þvo í þvottavél. Gimo  er frábær viðbót við haust og vetrar fataskáp barnsins.

Stærðartafla: Stígvélin skulu vera 1,5-2 cm lengri en fóturinn að innanmáli.


Gimo mun halda fótunum þurrum jafnvel á verstu haust og vetrar dögum á Íslandi. Þau eru gerð úr léttu og endurvinnanlegu SEBS gúmmíi, án alls PVC. Útskiptanlegi ullar sokkurinn mun halda fótunum hlýjum en sokkinn má taka úr og þvo í þvottavél. Gimo  er frábær viðbót við haust og vetrar fataskáp barnsins.

Stærðartafla: Stígvélin skulu vera 1,5-2 cm lengri en fóturinn að innanmáli.

Say hello to the violet rubber boots that kids love and parents rely on. With their timeless design, these warm lined rubber boots are comfortable, lightweight, and made to last for years. Gimo keeps your kid's feet dry and warm, and with the removable, washable wool-blend lining, they’re ready for whatever the season brings.

Gimo WP is:

  • Made from recyclable SEBS rubber, which in turn comes in part from Bioplastic
  • Free from PVC
  • Guaranteed free of fluorocarbons
  • Molded in one piece
  • Light on the foot and durable
  • Equipped with extendable and washable lining in warming wool blend, machine washable at 30 °
  • Easy to jump in and out of
  • A good complement when the weather is cold, wet, and sloppy
  • The boot can be washed in the machine at 30˚C

Note: Rubber boots are best used as a complement in cold, wet, and rainy weather. If they become damp inside, remove the loose lining and dry it separately, as rubber does not breathe. Do not tumble dry!

Tip! Complement your boots with an extra inner sock. Perfect if the regular inner sock gets damp or needs to be washed. If you want to use these boots without lining, then complement them with our Original Woolblend Insole. Note that the inner dimensions increase without the lining, by approximately 10-15 mm.

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  • Ethic ehf netverslun 695 6975 Síðumúla 11, 108 Reykjavík

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