
Golfkerra rafmagns Motocaddy M7 Remote


Motocaddy M7 Remote

M7 Remote er vönduð fjarstýrð rafmagnsgolfkerra frá Motocaddy.

M7 Remote kemur með DHC (downhill control) þannig að kerran heldur eðlilegum hraða þótt farið sé niður halla. Aukahlutafesting fylgir með. Undir handfanginu er USB tengi.

Skjárinn sýnir hraðastillinguna og stöðuna á rafhlöðunni, ekkert mál að sleppa fjarstýringunni og nota eins og venjulega raf…

Motocaddy M7 Remote

M7 Remote er vönduð fjarstýrð rafmagnsgolfkerra frá Motocaddy.

M7 Remote kemur með DHC (downhill control) þannig að kerran heldur eðlilegum hraða þótt farið sé niður halla. Aukahlutafesting fylgir með. Undir handfanginu er USB tengi.

Skjárinn sýnir hraðastillinguna og stöðuna á rafhlöðunni, ekkert mál að sleppa fjarstýringunni og nota eins og venjulega rafmagnsgolfkerru.

M7 Remote er dökkgrá og svört.

Afar einfalt að leggja saman og taka sundur (QuikFold) og tekur lítið pláss í geymslu.

36 holu lithium rafhlaða, 28v - 2 ára ábyrgð

Kerran er með 2 ára ábyrgð.


  • Rechargeable remote-control handset
    Ergonomic design that can be conveniently attached to the trolley frame
  • Forward, left, right & reverse controls
    Ultra-responsive handset buttons make trolley handling instinctive
  • Automatic Downhill Control
    Allows the trolley to maintain a constant speed when moving down a gradient
  • All terrain DHC wheels
    With anti-skid tread to tackle all types of ground with ease
  • Pause & resume, plus emergency stop
    Helps golfers stay in control and safely navigate around the course
  • Remote handset lock function
    Ensures the handset does not get engaged accidentally
  • Easy manual control mode
    Instantly switch to handle control when preferred
  • Removable rear anti-tip wheel
    Keeps the trolley stable through rough terrain and course undulations
  • 50m remote control range
    Control the M7 REMOTE from distance with complete peace of mind
  • Simple, compact-folding system
    Award-winning M-Series folding technology fits into the smallest car boots
  • Next generation, High Power 28V system
    More powerful, efficient, & reliable than ever before
  • LCD widescreen display
    Nine-speed settings, Speed indicator & Battery meter
  • On screen remote handset battery meter
    Helps ensure the wireless remote remains charged & ready for action
  • USB charging port
    Ideal for charging any USB-powered device while you play
  • High-capacity, waterproof Lithium battery
    IP66 water & dust rating for complete protection against the elements
  • On board battery charging
    No need to remove the battery for storage, transportation & charging
  • Oversize tubing for ultimate handle stability
    Thicker frame profile combines with top quality materials for unrivaled performance
  • Space-saving inverting wheels
    Flip the wheels to fit into the tightest spaces
  • Convenient auto-open stand
    Allows the trolley to stand upright for minimised folded footprint
  • Simple, fully-adjustable handle height
    Ensures the trolley is optimised for golfers of every height
  • Two powerful, whisper‑quiet 230w DHC motors
    Quiet, exceptional performance with power when you need it
  • EASILOCK ® compatible
    Securely attach your Motocaddy golf bag without a lower bag strap

Almennar upplýsingar

WEIGHT: 14.40kgs
DIMENSIONS: 650mm (L) x 470mm (W) x 420mm (H)
MOTOR: 2 x 230w DHC
MATERIAL: Aluminium

Verslaðu hér

  • Prósjoppan 571 6133 Síðumúla 33, 108 Reykjavík

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