
Granulation medium fyrir vatnsliti


The Renesans Granulation medium is a special liquid, that adds a granulation effect to smoothly-drying watercolours and increases it to already granulating pigments.

To enhance the effect, we recommend to use the Renesans Granulation medium instead of water and to use a rough or cold press paper as a surface.

The Renesans Granulation medium is a special liquid, that adds a granulation effect to smoothly-drying watercolours and increases it to already granulating pigments.

To enhance the effect, we recommend to use the Renesans Granulation medium instead of water and to use a rough or cold press paper as a surface.

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  • Art Supplies Myndlistarvöruverslun 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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