Why supplementation of Glucosamine sulfate?
Glucosamine sulfate gives the body resources to produce hyaluronic acid, which is needed for lubrication of the body's cartilage and joints. Hyaluronic acid has high viscosity, which also provides shock absorption that protects the joint cartilage against osteoarthritis damage. Hyaluronic acid is normally produced by the cartilage cells, but with h…
Why supplementation of Glucosamine sulfate?
Glucosamine sulfate gives the body resources to produce hyaluronic acid, which is needed for lubrication of the body's cartilage and joints. Hyaluronic acid has high viscosity, which also provides shock absorption that protects the joint cartilage against osteoarthritis damage. Hyaluronic acid is normally produced by the cartilage cells, but with hard training and increasing age, a supplement can protect wear and tear on joints and cartilage.
Glucosamine sulfate is a body-specific substance that does not interact with other medications and does not cause any side effects.
Glukomax is of the 2KCL type, which means that it is produced with a potassium chloride-based process. The content of potassium is 8-11%
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