


Invigorating exercise

The sisters' yoga roll is made of FSC®-certified cork as well as TPE and measures 183 x 61 cm. An invigorating exercise routine can not only elevate your spirits, but is also quite an energy boost, Anna and Clara believe. They like to get a light workout in before lunch, and sometimes their nieces and nephew like to join in as well. Get your body moving with the sisters…

Invigorating exercise

The sisters' yoga roll is made of FSC®-certified cork as well as TPE and measures 183 x 61 cm. An invigorating exercise routine can not only elevate your spirits, but is also quite an energy boost, Anna and Clara believe. They like to get a light workout in before lunch, and sometimes their nieces and nephew like to join in as well. Get your body moving with the sisters' lovely selection of yoga and exercise equipment.

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  • Söstrene Grene
    Söstrene Grene 544 2440 Fleiri en ein verslun

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