
Kollur Farmer | reclaimed wood

No Waste The producer of our recycled wooden furniture and accessoiries is a pioneer with their recycled wood program. They use all unproductive wood available with no destination except disposal such as old wooden houses, barns, boats and trucks. The wood is sorted out by dimensions and are assembled for furniture and home decoration. In our recycled wood items you will find nails, screws, holes…
No Waste The producer of our recycled wooden furniture and accessoiries is a pioneer with their recycled wood program. They use all unproductive wood available with no destination except disposal such as old wooden houses, barns, boats and trucks. The wood is sorted out by dimensions and are assembled for furniture and home decoration. In our recycled wood items you will find nails, screws, holes or bolts filled cavities along with other imperfections. These imperfections show its past and are never intentionally made. All items are handmade using traditional methods of construction. The village based manufacturing system allows many people in the surrounded villages to provide a sustainable income for their families.

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  • Mixmix
    Mixmix Reykjavík 894 3045 Langholtsvegi 62, 104 Reykjavík

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