
Merlin Wrist Release Svartur

Ódýr og einfaldur úlnliðssleppir fyrir trissuboga Perfect for the new or experienced archery, Velcro closure system strap design with a torque–free, 360 degree rotating head and a compact dual–jaw design for smooth trigger pull. FEATURES: Comfort–fit strap design. Torque–free 360–degree rotating head Compact dual–jaw design for smooth trigger pull  
Ódýr og einfaldur úlnliðssleppir fyrir trissuboga Perfect for the new or experienced archery, Velcro closure system strap design with a torque–free, 360 degree rotating head and a compact dual–jaw design for smooth trigger pull. FEATURES: Comfort–fit strap design. Torque–free 360–degree rotating head Compact dual–jaw design for smooth trigger pull  

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