Nánari lýsing: ,,Narrow in the silhouette, these slip-on trousers conjure up slim legs. In current length and a small fashionable turn-up at the hem. The side pockets have decorative quilting that gives the pockets additional support. Thanks to the integrated, elastic rubber in the waistband, nothing is constricting and you can enjoy additional wearing comfort." …
Nánari lýsing: ,,Narrow in the silhouette, these slip-on trousers conjure up slim legs. In current length and a small fashionable turn-up at the hem. The side pockets have decorative quilting that gives the pockets additional support. Thanks to the integrated, elastic rubber in the waistband, nothing is constricting and you can enjoy additional wearing comfort."
Efnislýsing: 72% pólýester, 19% viskós og 9% teygja
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