
Molécule 234.38 100ml

MOLéCULE 234.38 is based on one, big molecule as the dominating ingredient.
The MOLéCULE interacts with ones own pheromones — in a sense making it more of a phenomenon than an actual fragrance.
This deeply personal interaction creates a highly sensual fragrance that is as unique, and as lovely, as each person wearing it.
A love affair of a lifetime.
MOLéCULE 234.38 is based on one, big molecule as the dominating ingredient.
The MOLéCULE interacts with ones own pheromones — in a sense making it more of a phenomenon than an actual fragrance.
This deeply personal interaction creates a highly sensual fragrance that is as unique, and as lovely, as each person wearing it.
A love affair of a lifetime.

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  • Cleopatra tískuverslun
    Cleopatra tískuverslun 482 2144 Austurvegi 4, 800 Selfossi

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