

DESCRIPTION A semi-synthetic engine oil with a near-universal applicability in petrol and diesel engines in passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles. This oil provides a good lubricating film at the cold start and offers an excellent lubricating film at high operating temperatures as well. Because of the unique formulation, the oil has a low evaporation tendency while fuel saving as well…
DESCRIPTION A semi-synthetic engine oil with a near-universal applicability in petrol and diesel engines in passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles. This oil provides a good lubricating film at the cold start and offers an excellent lubricating film at high operating temperatures as well. Because of the unique formulation, the oil has a low evaporation tendency while fuel saving as well as exhaust emission reduction can be obtained. The oil is temperature-stable and will maintain its quality level. PERFORMANCE Performance level API SL/CF ACEA A3/B4 VW 501.01 MB 229.1 VW 505.00 Recommended for use VW 500.00 Fiat 9.55535-G2 SPECIFIC VALUES Color Brown Density at 20°C 0.8606 kg/l Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 100.4 cSt Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 15 cSt Viscosity index 157 Viscosity, dynamic (CCS) 5411 cP Sulphated ash 0.95 wt% Flash point 210 °C Pour point -39 °C

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