
OLÍA 5W/40 FS SUPER LITE 5 lítrar

DESCRIPTION Fully synthetic engine oil for petrol and diesel engines, with or without turbo, in passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles. For cars equipped with catalytic converters and direct fuel injection systems. It provides an extremely quick and stable lubricating film at the cold start and offers high thermal stability under heavy duty operating conditions. It offers good wear pro…
DESCRIPTION Fully synthetic engine oil for petrol and diesel engines, with or without turbo, in passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles. For cars equipped with catalytic converters and direct fuel injection systems. It provides an extremely quick and stable lubricating film at the cold start and offers high thermal stability under heavy duty operating conditions. It offers good wear protection and protects against rust and corrosion, while special additives keep all parts free from deposits. PERFORMANCE Approved VW 502.00 MB-Approval 229.3 Renault RN0710 Renault RN0700 VW 505.00 Performance level API SN/CF ACEA A3/B4 PSA B71 2296 / PSA B71 2293 Porsche A40 GM-LL-B-025 MB 229.1 Recommended for use Fiat 9.55535-Z2 Fiat 9.55535-N2 Fiat 9.55535-M2 Fiat 9.55535-H2 SPECIFIC VALUES Color Brown Density at 20°C 0.8556 kg/l Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 93 cSt Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 15 cSt Viscosity index 170 Viscosity, dynamic (CCS) 5830 cP Sulphated ash 1.16 wt% Flash point 200 °C Pour point -39 °C Renault samþykki Dimler samþykki VW Group samþykki

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