Find your true love once upon a dream in our “Disney Castles: Aurora” puzzle and live happily ever after! In Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, cursed by the evil Maleficent, the baby princess Aurora is renamed Briar Rose and hidden away in the forest until her 16th birthday. Her guardians, the good fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, are aghast when Rose is lured by Maleficent to touch a spinning wh…
Find your true love once upon a dream in our “Disney Castles: Aurora” puzzle and live happily ever after! In Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, cursed by the evil Maleficent, the baby princess Aurora is renamed Briar Rose and hidden away in the forest until her 16th birthday. Her guardians, the good fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, are aghast when Rose is lured by Maleficent to touch a spinning wheel’s spindle, causing her to fall into a deep sleep. Prince Philip fights the fiery Maleficent to save her and, with the good fairies’ help, is victorious!
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