
SPIT Plasttappar PRO6 Nylon 6x30 565643

Universal nylon plug for daily applications in all materials. Expands into a knot in hollow materials for a perfect tightening. Features and benefits Can be used in all materials 6 way expandable zones ensures uniform expansion within the substrate Immediate expansion prevents anchor rotation Shallow lip prevents anchor over insertion Offers an aesthetic flush finish
Universal nylon plug for daily applications in all materials. Expands into a knot in hollow materials for a perfect tightening. Features and benefits Can be used in all materials 6 way expandable zones ensures uniform expansion within the substrate Immediate expansion prevents anchor rotation Shallow lip prevents anchor over insertion Offers an aesthetic flush finish

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    Ísól hf umboðs- og heildverslun 533 1234 Ármúla 17, 108 Reykjavík

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