
Sundgleraugu regnboga

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Sundgleraugu fyrir krakka á aldrinum 6-14 ára. These sporty goggles are perfect for outdoor or indoor swimming, with mirrored lenses to reduce the sun’s glare or for brightly lit indoor pools.

The sleek design is complemented by a soft silicone frame and a split strap for added comfort.

With anti-fog lenses, these goggles are ideal for training or everyday swimming.

Sundgleraugu fyrir krakka á aldrinum 6-14 ára. These sporty goggles are perfect for outdoor or indoor swimming, with mirrored lenses to reduce the sun’s glare or for brightly lit indoor pools.

The sleek design is complemented by a soft silicone frame and a split strap for added comfort.

With anti-fog lenses, these goggles are ideal for training or everyday swimming.

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  • Hafsport
    Hafsport ehf 620 5544 Skemmuvegi 4, blá gata, 200 Kópavogi

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