Þvottaleiðbeiningar: 40°.
Efnislýsing: 100% bómull.
Nánari lýsing: ,,This shirt frames your figure in the most flattering way. It’s cut from soft cotton and designed in a slim fit. We think it looks so chic tucked into tailored pants."
Þvottaleiðbeiningar: 40°.
Efnislýsing: 100% bómull.
Nánari lýsing: ,,This shirt frames your figure in the most flattering way. It’s cut from soft cotton and designed in a slim fit. We think it looks so chic tucked into tailored pants."
Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.