
White Tree viðarbakki


Hönnun:  Dawn Sweitzer

Handmálaður og silkiprentaður viður

Stærð: 71x36 - Hæð 3cm

A subdued color palette meets captivating motifs inspired by nature and travel. This oblong White Tree wooden tray experiments with the balance between rich patterns offset with muted tones, revealing the beauty behind the deceivingly ordinary subjects from which inspiration is drawn.…

Hönnun:  Dawn Sweitzer

Handmálaður og silkiprentaður viður

Stærð: 71x36 - Hæð 3cm

A subdued color palette meets captivating motifs inspired by nature and travel. This oblong White Tree wooden tray experiments with the balance between rich patterns offset with muted tones, revealing the beauty behind the deceivingly ordinary subjects from which inspiration is drawn. In doing so, this collection captures the essence of timelessness.

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  • Tekk Company
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