
Pirouette Kids Bracelet Red Crab

Hring eftir hring

Pirouette kids bracelets are available in two sizes.

For 4-8 years old (approx. 12 cm in circumference) and 8-12 years old (approx. 14 cm in circumference). Adults with small hands and thin wrists can wear the larger bracelet.

The bracelet is made from handmade polymer clay beads and beech wood beads. The bracelet stretches.

Pirouette kids bracelets are available in two sizes.

For 4-8 years old (approx. 12 cm in circumference) and 8-12 years old (approx. 14 cm in circumference). Adults with small hands and thin wrists can wear the larger bracelet.

The bracelet is made from handmade polymer clay beads and beech wood beads. The bracelet stretches.

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