
Pensla sett fyrir pastel teikning - Sett 3 – útmálun

Borciani & Bonazzi

These brushes are the ideal choice for blending charcoal pencils, clay, soft graphite and soft pastels, giving total control over the work.

The kit Details is ideal for blending with precision small backgrounds and to realize details.

Content of the kit:

- Flat tip brush, ideal for creating the most defined and precise lines

- Conical tip brush, perfect for illuminating and r…

These brushes are the ideal choice for blending charcoal pencils, clay, soft graphite and soft pastels, giving total control over the work.

The kit Details is ideal for blending with precision small backgrounds and to realize details.

Content of the kit:

- Flat tip brush, ideal for creating the most defined and precise lines

- Conical tip brush, perfect for illuminating and realizing the smallest details

- Round tip brush, to blend small and medium backgrounds adding depth and dimension

Verslaðu hér

  • Art supplies 888 1490 Laugarnesvegi 74a, 105 Reykjavík

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