
Kinetic Telescopic Net Mini

3 sizes great telescopic nets. They are all foldable and very compact. You can easily and quickly unfold them, and they will be ready in a split second and secure that the fish will land in a safe way. The pole and the frame are from aluminium and therefore very light. The handle is EVA. Alu. frame Alu. telescopic pole 2sec EVA Handle Folded frame Rubber Mesh Net Belt clip
3 sizes great telescopic nets. They are all foldable and very compact. You can easily and quickly unfold them, and they will be ready in a split second and secure that the fish will land in a safe way. The pole and the frame are from aluminium and therefore very light. The handle is EVA. Alu. frame Alu. telescopic pole 2sec EVA Handle Folded frame Rubber Mesh Net Belt clip

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  • Veiðihornið 568 8410 Síðumúla 8, 108 Reykjavík

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