
ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III 420 A-RGB vatnskæling fyrir AMD og Intel örgjörva


ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III 420 A-RGB 420mm vökvakæling
Öflug, lokuð og viðhaldsfrí vökvakæling sem hentar vel fyrir alla helstu örgjörva, Passar í tölvukassa sem gera ráð fyrir 420mm forðabúri. Þrjár hljóðlátar ARCTIC P12 PWM PST A-RGB 140mm kæliviftur fylgja
Ready Out-of-the-Box - Easy Installation
The Liquid Freezer III is ready for immediate use thanks to its…

ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III 420 A-RGB 420mm vökvakæling
Öflug, lokuð og viðhaldsfrí vökvakæling sem hentar vel fyrir alla helstu örgjörva, Passar í tölvukassa sem gera ráð fyrir 420mm forðabúri. Þrjár hljóðlátar ARCTIC P12 PWM PST A-RGB 140mm kæliviftur fylgja
Ready Out-of-the-Box - Easy Installation
The Liquid Freezer III is ready for immediate use thanks to its pre-installed radiator fans in push configuration. The fan cables are integrated into the jacket of the hoses so that only one cable needs to be connected to the motherboard. With the MX-6 thermal compound included in delivery, you have everything you need for quick and easy installation.

Future-Proof Compatibility
The Liquid Freezer III is multi-compatible with Intel and AMD sockets. Intel will release the new Arrow Lake processors on the LGA1851 socket in the future. ARCTIC customers don't need to worry that the new CPUs will also require new coolers. We guarantee full compatibility. All Liquid Freezer III can be used with the new LGA1851 socket from Intel without limitation.

Contact Frame for Intel LGA1700 and LGA1851
Intel's Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) deforms the CPU by pressing it into the socket at two points with over 40 kg. This causes pressure in the PCB, the die and the solder layer between the die and IHS (Integrated Heat Spreader). With high thermal load, this can lead to long-term problems. The mounting frame from ARCTIC does not deform the CPU, reduces the mechanical load on the CPU massively, is quick and easy to install and allows the cooler to be screwed onto the CPU's backplate. As a result, mechanical stress on the mainboard and CPU is minimised, cooling performance remains consistent and installation is quick and uncomplicated.

Nánari upplýsingar á heimasíðu Arctic

Intel stuðningur: LGA1700, LGA1851
AMD stuðningur: AM5, AM4
Viftur fylgja: 3x ARCTIC P12 PWM PST A-RGB 140mm
Hraði á viftum : 200–2000 RPM

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