
Phanteks NV5 Hvítur með skyggðu gleri


Phanteks NV5 með Tempered gleri án aflgjafa, viftustýring innbyggð
High Airflow Performance, Seamless Tempered Glass Design, 8 Fan Positions
Create a picture-perfect PC with a seamless glass design.
Increased chassis width to support wider GPUs and PCIe cables.
Premium build quality throughout the strong and reinforced outer frame.
High Airflo…

Phanteks NV5 með Tempered gleri án aflgjafa, viftustýring innbyggð
High Airflow Performance, Seamless Tempered Glass Design, 8 Fan Positions
Create a picture-perfect PC with a seamless glass design.
Increased chassis width to support wider GPUs and PCIe cables.
Premium build quality throughout the strong and reinforced outer frame.
High Airflow Performance with fine mesh, dust filter and 8x 120mm fan positions.
Ready for ultimate water-cooling configurations with dual 360 radiator support.
Integrated D-RGB lighting in the PSU Cover with built-in D-RGB Controller that works out of the box.
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