
Birds of Iceland - English

Birds of Iceland are 336 pages.  Square format. Dimension 23 cm x 23 cm x 3 cm. 500 photographs, drawings and maps, of which there are almost 400 color photographs of Icelandic Birds. Pictures are also of eggs, nests and juveniles of most species. Published in 1986 the book Birds of Iceland is a beautiful coffee table item. Hjálmar R. Bardarson is not only a photographer, copywriter and publisher…
Birds of Iceland are 336 pages.  Square format. Dimension 23 cm x 23 cm x 3 cm. 500 photographs, drawings and maps, of which there are almost 400 color photographs of Icelandic Birds. Pictures are also of eggs, nests and juveniles of most species. Published in 1986 the book Birds of Iceland is a beautiful coffee table item. Hjálmar R. Bardarson is not only a photographer, copywriter and publisher, but also carries out the design of the book. It is a work of honor and passion. Language: English Author: Hjálmar R. Bárðarson 336 pages.

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  • Fuglavernd
    Fuglavernd - Fuglaverndarfélag Íslands 562 0477 Hverfisgötu 105, 101 Reykjavík

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