

DESCRIPTION An additive formulated to remove deposits from the combustion chamber as well as the rest of the fuel system through the use of deposit control components. Recommended for use to achieve a significant fuel efficiency reduction, to keep the engine clean and running properly. It is suitable as a preventative measure against corrosion and condensation in the fuel tank. It should be added…
DESCRIPTION An additive formulated to remove deposits from the combustion chamber as well as the rest of the fuel system through the use of deposit control components. Recommended for use to achieve a significant fuel efficiency reduction, to keep the engine clean and running properly. It is suitable as a preventative measure against corrosion and condensation in the fuel tank. It should be added to the fuel tank before refueling. For best results, use in two consecutive tanks or every 2.500 km. SPECIFIC VALUES Color Brown Density at 20°C 0.8153 kg/l Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 2.8 cSt Flash point 62 °C

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