

Direct electric random orbital sander developed for effective and dust-free sanding of all kind of surfaces. This upgraded Mirka® DEROS features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology. The smallest and most ergonomic sander on the market is equipped with a brushless motor, which maintains constant speed even under heavy load. With the lowest vibration values in its cla…
Direct electric random orbital sander developed for effective and dust-free sanding of all kind of surfaces. This upgraded Mirka® DEROS features an integrated vibration sensor and Bluetooth low energy technology. The smallest and most ergonomic sander on the market is equipped with a brushless motor, which maintains constant speed even under heavy load. With the lowest vibration values in its class and the unique symmetrical design guarantees that the tool can be used for long periods without fatigue. Mirka® DEROS 650CV direct electric random orbital sander is equipped with a 150 mm (6”) pad and has a 5 mm oscillation.

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