
Teppi m/þyngd - Kúluteppi - Kúlusæng


Kúluteppi er þungt teppi með jafnri þyngd teppið er úr mjúku velúr

Teppið er til í stærðum 150 x 200 m  5 kg /  100 x 150 cm  4 kg / 90 x 100 cm 3 kg

The gentle deep touch pressure of the weighted blanket makes kids feel more secure and helps to relieve stress and anxiety, enabling them to relax during the day and sleep better at night. Excellent for stressful situations in the classro…

Kúluteppi er þungt teppi með jafnri þyngd teppið er úr mjúku velúr

Teppið er til í stærðum 150 x 200 m  5 kg /  100 x 150 cm  4 kg / 90 x 100 cm 3 kg

The gentle deep touch pressure of the weighted blanket makes kids feel more secure and helps to relieve stress and anxiety, enabling them to relax during the day and sleep better at night. Excellent for stressful situations in the classroom and at home
  • Clean with a damp cloth or sponge using soapy water or mild detergent and air dry

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  • ABC skólavörur
    ABC skólavörur ehf 588 0077 Sundaborg 1, 104 Reykjavík

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