
Spreybrúsi 500ml

SPRAY BOTTLE Empty spray bottle that works perfectly with our Universal Cleaner. Use this spray bottle to premix your HUMDAKIN Universal Cleaner with clean water - for easy and handy cleaning. Keep the bottle filled and you are ready for easy daily cleaning. The Spray Bottle can be used again and again - just mix, shake, spray, wipe and repeat. We love the simplicity! DIRECTIONS FOR USE Add a sma…
SPRAY BOTTLE Empty spray bottle that works perfectly with our Universal Cleaner. Use this spray bottle to premix your HUMDAKIN Universal Cleaner with clean water - for easy and handy cleaning. Keep the bottle filled and you are ready for easy daily cleaning. The Spray Bottle can be used again and again - just mix, shake, spray, wipe and repeat. We love the simplicity! DIRECTIONS FOR USE Add a small teaspoon of the Universal Cleaner to 500 ml of water, shake the spray bottle and you are ready to spray and clean. Use a clean, damp cloth for wiping to avoid streaks. When dosing the detergent, think about the environment - do not overuse. The correct dosage will reduce the environmental impact. 500 ml The Spray Bottle is made of reusable plastic.

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