
Þvottabursti lítill

SMALL WOOD BRUSH Bamboo and coconut fibers 9,7 x 7 cm. Handbursti úr náttúrulegum efnum, skaftið úr bambus og hárin úr kókoshnetum. // This small, handy brush made from sustainable sources is perfect for an aesthetic cleaning experience in your home. Use the brush for doing dishes with the HUMDAKIN dish soap or when you're cleaning with the Anti Calc for a beautiful, limescale-free result.
SMALL WOOD BRUSH Bamboo and coconut fibers 9,7 x 7 cm. Handbursti úr náttúrulegum efnum, skaftið úr bambus og hárin úr kókoshnetum. // This small, handy brush made from sustainable sources is perfect for an aesthetic cleaning experience in your home. Use the brush for doing dishes with the HUMDAKIN dish soap or when you're cleaning with the Anti Calc for a beautiful, limescale-free result.

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