
Borð TABLO hvítt/stórt

The name, Tablo, refers to the English 'table' and the French 'tableau', the latter meaning a scenic, organised arrangement. With its simple expression, Tablo fits into most interior styles and is available in a large and a small version. Tablo is quick and easy to assemble without the use of screws.  Tablo comes in two sizes and works great by itself or when placed together with other Tablo tabl…
The name, Tablo, refers to the English 'table' and the French 'tableau', the latter meaning a scenic, organised arrangement. With its simple expression, Tablo fits into most interior styles and is available in a large and a small version. Tablo is quick and easy to assemble without the use of screws.  Tablo comes in two sizes and works great by itself or when placed together with other Tablo tables.

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