
Big Max Lite III

Big Max
The LITE III has a third wheel for even better handling. He benefits from a sturdy, light weight aluminium construction, height-adjustable scorecard holder, tilt-adjustable soft-grip, footbarke and ball-bearing wheels , making it a perfect entry level trolley for a beginner. A removable front wheel gives the LITE III the option to be used as a 2 wheel trolley.
The LITE III has a third wheel for even better handling. He benefits from a sturdy, light weight aluminium construction, height-adjustable scorecard holder, tilt-adjustable soft-grip, footbarke and ball-bearing wheels , making it a perfect entry level trolley for a beginner. A removable front wheel gives the LITE III the option to be used as a 2 wheel trolley.

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  • Golfskálinn golfverslun og ferðaskrifstofa 578 0120 Fleiri en ein verslun

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