
Blautgalli 5mm Proteus II

Fourth Element

The 5mm suit is a versatile performer. With improved fit, the suit is easier to don than the classic Proteus, but its thermal performance is even better. We recommend the 5mm suit for prolonged dives in temperatures of 19C and warmer. To get more out of any wetsuit in colder waters, combine it with a Thermocline vest and shorts underneath and use a hood (3mm or 5mm).

The Proteus II is…

The 5mm suit is a versatile performer. With improved fit, the suit is easier to don than the classic Proteus, but its thermal performance is even better. We recommend the 5mm suit for prolonged dives in temperatures of 19C and warmer. To get more out of any wetsuit in colder waters, combine it with a Thermocline vest and shorts underneath and use a hood (3mm or 5mm).

The Proteus II is arguably the highest performing wetsuit on the market. The 5mm Proteus II is often the benchmark to which other suits are compared in terms of warmth.

By combining the now famous Hydrolock inner neck seal and Glideskin wrist seals, water ingress is minimised. Seams are double glued, blind stitched and taped to provide outstanding thermal protection throughout the dive. Additional Hexcore linings on the body core provide enhanced thermal performance where it is most needed for prolonged water exposure.

Improved fit and thermal performance

Hexcore thermal lining on torso

Thermoflex thermal lining throughout rest of suit

Taped, waterproof seams

Hydrolock neck seal system

Internal ankle seals

Glideskin wrist seals

Ultra stretch knee pads


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  • Hafsport
    Hafsport ehf 620 5544 Skemmuvegi 4 blá gata, 200 Kópavogi

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