
HOT! Maximum Tanning Energy

There is a reason this is one of our best-selling tanning lotions worldwide.

Hot! uses an industry exclusive high level of concentrated Aloe Vera Gel as it's base. This high level of Aloe helps to heal, soothe and moisturise for healthy, smooth skin.

Maximum Tanning Energy® helps to enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture for longer. This in turn helps skin to promote a dark…
There is a reason this is one of our best-selling tanning lotions worldwide.

Hot! uses an industry exclusive high level of concentrated Aloe Vera Gel as it's base. This high level of Aloe helps to heal, soothe and moisturise for healthy, smooth skin.

Maximum Tanning Energy® helps to enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture for longer. This in turn helps skin to promote a darker, longer-lasting color.

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  • Sólbaðsstofan Sælan
    Sólbaðsstofan Sælan 544 2424 Fleiri en ein verslun

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