
Color Binge


A unique blue tanning lotion imparts an immediate golden glow- ideal for those looking for great skincare and a golden glow.

The Wild Berry Bender Blend uses a combination of Wild Indigo and Blueberry Extracts which deeply nourish for supple, soft skin. The natural blue hues of these ingredients also combats any red or orange tones for a golden glow.

A unique blue tanning lotion imparts an immediate golden glow- ideal for those looking for great skincare and a golden glow.

The Wild Berry Bender Blend uses a combination of Wild Indigo and Blueberry Extracts which deeply nourish for supple, soft skin. The natural blue hues of these ingredients also combats any red or orange tones for a golden glow.

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  • Sólbaðsstofan Sælan
    Sólbaðsstofan Sælan 544 2424 Fleiri en ein verslun

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