
Progrip 3200 gleraugu - matt silver

3200 línan af gleraugum frá Progrip. Polyurethane frame. Foam hydrorepellent and top 8layer of velvet hypoallergenic. Upper and lower air intakes for improved effectiveness of anti-fog lens. Lens polycarbonate mirrored multilayer no fog - anti UV and anti scratch. Elastic bands: polyester - polyamide elastomers - silicone band with a large wave. Elastic with double adjustable buckles. The mask ca…
3200 línan af gleraugum frá Progrip. Polyurethane frame. Foam hydrorepellent and top 8layer of velvet hypoallergenic. Upper and lower air intakes for improved effectiveness of anti-fog lens. Lens polycarbonate mirrored multilayer no fog - anti UV and anti scratch. Elastic bands: polyester - polyamide elastomers - silicone band with a large wave. Elastic with double adjustable buckles. The mask can be worn with helmet.

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