
Stóll SJÖAN, 105 hvítur

Fritz Hansen
The Series 7™ designed by Arne Jacobsen is by far the most sold chair in the history of Fritz Hansen and perhaps also in furniture history. The pressure moulded veneer chair is a further development of the classic Ant™ chair. The four-legged stackable chair can be seen as the culmination of the use of the lamination technique. A technique refined to perfection during the Twenties and Thirties by …
The Series 7™ designed by Arne Jacobsen is by far the most sold chair in the history of Fritz Hansen and perhaps also in furniture history. The pressure moulded veneer chair is a further development of the classic Ant™ chair. The four-legged stackable chair can be seen as the culmination of the use of the lamination technique. A technique refined to perfection during the Twenties and Thirties by Søren C. Hansen, the grandson of the founder, Fritz Hansen. The visionary Arne Jacobsen exploited the possibilities of lamination to perfection resulting in the iconic shape of the chair.

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