
Anti Age 100 DEN - leggings

Stúdíó Vík

Anti Age 100 DEN leggings með push up aðhaldi.

Leggings made with special fibers that exploit the natural properties of the Bioactive Crystals contained in them. The skin acquires a younger and more vital appearance (smoother - softer - more elastic). The imperfections of cellulite are reduced and the silhouette improves. The push up effect lifts and shapes the buttocks.…

Anti Age 100 DEN leggings með push up aðhaldi.

Leggings made with special fibers that exploit the natural properties of the Bioactive Crystals contained in them. The skin acquires a younger and more vital appearance (smoother - softer - more elastic). The imperfections of cellulite are reduced and the silhouette improves. The push up effect lifts and shapes the buttocks. Cotton gusset.

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    Stúdíó Vík ehf 568 7282 Langholtsvegi 126, 104 Reykjavík

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