
Golden vase, Alparose Pink - Size XS / Gullvasi, Alparós Bleikur


The golden vase is elegant on your table with a beautiful flower bouquet. The shape of the vase is inspired by the shape of a water drop, which is exactly what gives the flowers life. A sprinkle of real gold dust gives the vase its finishing touch.

The top of the vase is designed a bit narrow in order to hold the flowers upright. It holds plenty of water and …

The golden vase is elegant on your table with a beautiful flower bouquet. The shape of the vase is inspired by the shape of a water drop, which is exactly what gives the flowers life. A sprinkle of real gold dust gives the vase its finishing touch.

The top of the vase is designed a bit narrow in order to hold the flowers upright. It holds plenty of water and is steady on the table.

Size XS - 10cm height

They come in five sizes.

Gullvasinn er glæsilegur á borði fyrir fallegan blómvönd. Hönnunin á vasanum sækir innblástur til útlína vatnsdropa, sem eru einmitt lífgjafi blómanna. Ekta gulli er stráð yfir vasann svo hann glitrar.

Opið á vasanum er hannað til að halda betur utan um blómin, svo að þau standi upprétt. Vasinn er belgmikill að neðan, heldur nógu af vatni og er stöðugur á borði.

Vasarnir fást í fimm stærðum.

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