
H2O Water Karafa / H2O Vatns flaska


H2O WATER KARAFE - are designed in remembrance of the importance of water for all living creatures, the text says water in different languages. They come in 2 different  decoration, WATER- in light blue and white glazes and ICE- in two white glazes. The water bottle comes with a cap.

Size: Approx. 23,5cm/92.5 inches in hight,  8cm/3 inches in width and take 1 Liter/33.8 ounces. Weight approx…

H2O WATER KARAFE - are designed in remembrance of the importance of water for all living creatures, the text says water in different languages. They come in 2 different  decoration, WATER- in light blue and white glazes and ICE- in two white glazes. The water bottle comes with a cap.

Size: Approx. 23,5cm/92.5 inches in hight,  8cm/3 inches in width and take 1 Liter/33.8 ounces. Weight approx. 600gr/18.5 ounces.

H2O VATNS FLASKAN - eru hönnuð til að minna á mikilvægi vatns fyrir allar lífverur, í textanum er vatn á nokkrum mismunandi tungumálum. Þær eru í 2 mismunandi útfærslum, VATN- í ljósbláum og hvítum glerung og ÍS- í tveimur hvítum glerungum. Vatnsflöskunni fylgir lok.

Stærð: 23,5cm á hæð, 8cm ummál og tekur umþaðbil 1 líter. Þyngd umþaðbil 600gr.

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