


Fun With Beads.

The rain is beating against the windows, and darkness has descended over the sisters’ house due to the heavy, dark clouds in the sky. Anna, Clara, and the nieces are sitting round the dining table by candlelight. “The weather invites for cosy quality time indoors," says Clara. To the delight of the nieces, the sisters have brought out beads in all kinds of colours. “Bead…

Fun With Beads.

The rain is beating against the windows, and darkness has descended over the sisters’ house due to the heavy, dark clouds in the sky. Anna, Clara, and the nieces are sitting round the dining table by candlelight. “The weather invites for cosy quality time indoors," says Clara. To the delight of the nieces, the sisters have brought out beads in all kinds of colours. “Beads are wonderful for creative projects," Anna explains. “Imagination is the only limit." The sisters explain that beads contribute to many hours of ‘hygge’ and creativity. Try making lovely decorations for gifts, Christmas, or Easter, or maybe you need a charming new bracelet? You can also create a Noughts and Crosses game from beads to play with afterwards.

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