
Prjónar 5.0 mm


Creative Knitwear.

Anna spends a lot of wonderful hours in her chair in the corner of the livingroom. Here, she is fond of enjoying a cup of tea while working on her knitting. She often lets her creativity flow and for this reason she is usually working on several projects at the same time. "You should never limit your creativity," Anna believes. "It should always be allowed to flourish in or…

Creative Knitwear.

Anna spends a lot of wonderful hours in her chair in the corner of the livingroom. Here, she is fond of enjoying a cup of tea while working on her knitting. She often lets her creativity flow and for this reason she is usually working on several projects at the same time. "You should never limit your creativity," Anna believes. "It should always be allowed to flourish in order for it to keep evolving". The sisters' double pointed needles are made from bamboo and measure 5.0 mm x 20 cm. A packet contains 5 pcs.

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