

Zarko Perfume

Sá allra besti frá Zarko Perfume <3

Shaken, not stirred

CLOUD COLLECTION No.1 is a floral woody perfume that contrasts light and dark accents in layers.
It is the world’s first perfume that reacts to its environment, the weather, and the personal aura of it's wearer.
TOPNOTES :: Danish Sea-Buckthorn
HEART NOTES :: French Jasmin Absolute
BASENOTES :: Drift Wood Accord

Sá allra besti frá Zarko Perfume <3

Shaken, not stirred

CLOUD COLLECTION No.1 is a floral woody perfume that contrasts light and dark accents in layers.
It is the world’s first perfume that reacts to its environment, the weather, and the personal aura of it's wearer.
TOPNOTES :: Danish Sea-Buckthorn
HEART NOTES :: French Jasmin Absolute
BASENOTES :: Drift Wood Accord

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Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.

Já notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Já uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Nánar um stefnuna og vefkökur hér.