
Snagi BEAM 60cm charcoal---

The traditional American Shaker coat rack with a shelf is reinterpreted here by the design trio Big-Game, who bring two historical materials together to create the sturdy and durable coat rack Beam. The metal bar is not just a beam that you can slide the wooden hooks on, as many as you need, but also a shelf with an edge that keeps smaller items in place above the hooks. Stærð: L60 Efniviður: POW…
The traditional American Shaker coat rack with a shelf is reinterpreted here by the design trio Big-Game, who bring two historical materials together to create the sturdy and durable coat rack Beam. The metal bar is not just a beam that you can slide the wooden hooks on, as many as you need, but also a shelf with an edge that keeps smaller items in place above the hooks. Stærð: L60 Efniviður: POWDER COATED ALUMINIUM/ASH

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