
Mjólkurkanna THEO

The award-winning Theo product range includes a practical and elegant milk jug for the milk loving coffee drinkers. With their beautiful contrasts, the Theo products have been designed to stimulate the senses. Made in matt black stoneware with a shiny glaze, the Theo milk jug is rustic and elegant. The milk jug comes with a collar of heat insulating silicone, which provides a good grip and avoids…
The award-winning Theo product range includes a practical and elegant milk jug for the milk loving coffee drinkers. With their beautiful contrasts, the Theo products have been designed to stimulate the senses. Made in matt black stoneware with a shiny glaze, the Theo milk jug is rustic and elegant. The milk jug comes with a collar of heat insulating silicone, which provides a good grip and avoids burnt fingers. Theo milk jug holds 0.4 L, perfect for 3–4 people.

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