
Brauðkarfa EMBRACE stál/svört

A new bread tray extends the popular Embrace-series. The bread tray has a practical bread bag that ensures the breadcrumbs stay in the tray instead of ending on the table. The tray is made of stainless steel and the classic organic forms known from the Embrace-universe give an elegant look and a decorative touch to every set table. The bread tray is also ideal to store fruit and vegetables and en…
A new bread tray extends the popular Embrace-series. The bread tray has a practical bread bag that ensures the breadcrumbs stay in the tray instead of ending on the table. The tray is made of stainless steel and the classic organic forms known from the Embrace-universe give an elegant look and a decorative touch to every set table. The bread tray is also ideal to store fruit and vegetables and enjoy how the colours create a beautiful contrast to the frame of steel.

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Upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar og villur. Upplýsingar á síðu söluaðila gilda.

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